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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: So, it is not what it is?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/19/2013
 PurePower wrote:
The overheating she refers to occurred on a small sub board that provides charging current to the battery string. It happens that we made a minor change in location of the board when we started full production that moved it out of an area of greater air flow and the heat sink needed to be increased to preserve the cooling level of a power transistor.  It did not overheat in our bench tests, and many units in the field never experienced overheating. In hifigeekgirl's case it did overheat. The result was a recurring alarm and descriptive error code raised by the on board diagnostics which was presented on the front display. The PurePower+ automatically protected itself from overheating by shutting down the regeneration and charger. That doesn't seem too stupid to me. 

The engineering change required to remedy the problem was very simple and effective. Increasing the heat sink size by 50% reduced the component temperature to well within acceptable operating range and even continuous operation at 100% load did not increase the charging board operating temperature. 
So, it was that the unit was overheating, or the main board with put stage was overheating – that would be disastrous. It was one of the auxiliary boards with heat sink required to be added juts to one element. Let agree that is very different matter and I do understand that PurePower advised the customer to do it itself. Those types of requests did happen to me, not only with PurePower but with some other manufactures. I would deny to do it if it was the PP2000 main heat sink but to put a few standard heat sink on a few transistors or diodes – that I would comply.  For sure not everyone would be happy about it and I perfectly understand the hifigeekgirl disappointment. Still, from the perspective of the entire design that is not a lethal fault. What I more would be curious to know would be what specific condition of the hifigeekgirl operation or setup made it possible and why it did not manifest itself during the testing. Well, as you understand there is a big difference between the statements: “the unit is overheating” and “something specific makes one a charging transistor overheating but might be cured by putting a  heat think on that transistor”.

Again, I am not in the business of defending PurePower but let differentiate the superficial sensationalism from the actual facts.  For sure the unit that PurePower took from Adrian and seemingly from other to repair and never returned is not superficial sensationalism and I wish they did rectify the situation but from the stories I heard so far about the new PP2000+ does not credibly inform me about anything positive or negative about the new PurePower production.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

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