HE, you've gotten a long run so far without anyone asking if you've read the site. Have you? There are long threads on the Lamms and the Lowthers that might offer you some food for thought. One thing I would recommend is playing with the ML2 "plate loading", including output taps, which is well-described in the ML2 thread, if you've not done so already. And remember that the AERs and Lowthers notoriously hate subs, although they do sound much better when they are shed of LF, or anything approaching LF, not to mention getting more from the ML2s (by asking less) by using another amp for large/heavy drivers. Likely, in terms of sub performance, you should not run your subs up as high as 400 Hz, 1st order; but it would probably be best for the Lammhorn sound if you could. Although you will likely never shed the effects from the driver/speaker itself, no matter what you do, you might be able to get more of the sound or sound effects you want if you stay focused and systematic.
Best regards, Paul S