Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Opera Room
Post Subject: The Opera Room update.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 11/16/2012
The Opera Room is turning out to be a really bitch and I am very surprised how this room get transferred from a worthless place in the house to something that we really enjoy.  As the new furniture and new sitting arrangement is got developed during the last couple weeks my audio interest is kind of shift in that room. Now I would like to conceal audio elements and keep it as less nerdy as possible. Amy went for library-feel décor and she wants even to cover the walls with wooden panels – not bad idea at all considering that the room is very dark. The projector, screen, speakers, and amplification are there but in the new library-feel room they shell not as prominent.

I replaced the borrowed OPPO with Sony BDPS790. This Sony is consumer-level $250 player that played everything imaginable and looks and feels line a fart. I desired do not spend money for new generation of OPPO and sty for now with chip and convenient consumer player. That toy-like Sony navigate disk 10 times faster and more reliable. Sound-wise – I did not know, I do feel that OPPO was better but I am OK with what it is in the Opera Room…

The caT

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