Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: Romy the Cat and WAF?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/30/2012
This concept of having a new listening room not contaminated with playback elements is very interesting. I did not have “living room” with no playback for… many-many years, so I am kind of not accustomed to it. I do not think that I wanted to have living room with no playback. Amy feels the same way and she do like the concept of listening room and the presents of equipment does not look like bothers her. In fact (juts to families with her decorating feelings) I did asked her about her decoration ideas if we have no playback in the room. She clearly felt that playback and musical instruments are very essential to her definition of “comfort”, so I feel no WAF enforcement or any crap like that.

Still, as the room with new parquet will be done I would like to keep it for some time (perhaps a week or two) with no equipment and the equipment that I will be moving into room will be much selected. I would like to make the next reiteration of my playback to have sort of smaller footprint, physically and metaphysically. It is not because my woman wants it (she does not) but because I want it. I still wiling do not compromise the sonic result or expressive ability of my playback but I would like to make it with minimum visible affords. So, I sort of consider hiding some “tools” of my playback and make them less exposed as I would like to minimize the “man cave” appearance of my installation. I do not feel that the “man cave” effect is wrong. I do like that slight “lab” feeling but I kind of getting tired from that that and I would like to make slightly different accent in the feel of my playback.

The caT

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