Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Marantz MA-9S2 Monoblock Amplifiers
Post Subject: It Might Only Be the Right Side Amp's MeterPosted by Paul S on: 8/29/2012
OK... First, I tried an LP, and the right amp meter pegged on the big, loud stuff, just like it's doing with CDs. Then I swapped the R and L inputs... and only the right amp meter pegged on the big, loud stuff. Repeating the Etta James CD to re-try the "P experiment", only the right ampl meter pegged, with the channel input. Through all this, the left amp's meter never came close to pegging. Same sound as yesterday, mind you, no matter which feed went to which amp.
Anyway, this seems like a "solution" that includes all the evidence I've bothered to assemble so far, including the lack of audible stress when the meter pegged.
Oh, well, the amp has a 5-year warranty... I supose it'll have to go back to Japan...
And no, Petar, I did not "forget" to put what you just said in the context of what I just said, and, again, you are right about that. ;>))
Best regards,
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site