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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Andrew's new 4-way horn using Stereolabs stone horns and DIY bass
Post Subject: Too early...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/18/2012
 atilsley169 wrote:
Sorry…I had trouble understanding the expression.  I trust your allergy gets better…perhaps too much pollen in the air.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
 atilsley169 wrote:
Vertical alignment. No problem…I just drew that drawing quickly…with no specific layout in mind. I’m OK with placing the MF horn on top of the Mid Bass….
I am a bit disappointed that your ask me question investing “no specific layout in mind” or with spending time to do your own home work. Andrew, I am not a first echelon of thinkers about playback. Form your own ideas, test them, improve upon them, develop own references and own tailored objective in acoustic system. Then if you have questions you might ask then but I assure you that they will be in very different format and with much more settled fashion. At this point you do not know what you asking and you do not know what you feel you understand in the answers. Your comment ” I’m OK with placing the MF horn on top of the Mid Bass” is kind of indication that you do not know what it means and what it will result. Please, do not feel to be offended, it is NOT my intention. Still, I do feel that it is a bit too early for you to talk with me about Sound. 
 atilsley169 wrote:
I enjoy a range of music…mostly I enjoy jazz, blues, funk, with mid-range rock (Clapton etc). I enjoy female vocals, eg Eva Cassidy. I don’t like heavy metal, rap etc. I enjoy classical, but I don’t have many recordings.
Yes, it is too early for you to talk with me about Sound or perhaps I am not qualified to talk with you about Sound. The music you play in my view require no advanced audio affords.

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