Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: Family RoomPosted by Paul S on: 5/31/2012
Rony, not to beg the issue of sound, per se, but I have lived in 4 houses that looked +/- like the one you've pictured.  They were not the best with respect to rote Sound development, but they were very Family Friendly, which, in the end, has served me very well, as a "whole person". 

I was well into hi-fi when I met and married my wife of 44 years, and my children grew up with "serious" installations in the house at all times.  We all enjoyed together many, many hours of Music that still shine in my memories, and my children, and now my grandchildren, are all "musical" people, to this day.  All the while, I tried to keep the Sound in the room "good enough" for my own, "personal" Music fixes.

What's all this worth to a family man?

Now, later in life, I am far less "social", generally speaking, and I am far, far less social with the "serious" part of my Music.  However, it still brings me great Joy when my now-more-numerous family members want to "partake" of the music I play, including dancing to it; so I imagine I will always try to reserve space in my listening room for this.  Sure, I could get "better sound" by attending primarily to sound, per se; but...

Best regards,
Paul S

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