Interesting the stressing the importance of the listening room Rakesh went into depth of discussing reference clocks and YL drivers that are very irrelevant to the subject of the rooms.
The Rony’s comment about the expression of “ultimate way of life” is very accurately described what I feel. I had the very same objective what I was thinking about my current listening room: to have “family basically lives in the music room”. In my view my current listening room is very good accomplishment of the concept. The image about the in my view would depict the perfect technical setting for perfect listening room would hardly be friendly for living facilities as if you position 40Hz horns in front position then all bets are off and there is no way the room will be friendly for normal living. The way how I hided my midbass horns is very remarkable and no one would understand it unit you visit my room, hear the sound and see that the horn do not exist in the room, literally – they are not there, even they do offer the right sonic contribution. With the horn in front position it very controversial. The only “interesting” solution that I know off is my old idea to hang the midbass horns in air between the acoustic system and ceiling. Jessie of all people could pull it off but I do not think his project have materialized yet. I would LOVE to see it happen another day. The idea same to me as I have seen people hanged a destroyed grand piano in air and it was absolutely spectacular decoration of high-ceiling loft.
So, from purely conceptual standpoint I wonder if that level of civilian-friendliness that I have in my listening room might be achievable with front-located midbass horns.
Rgs, Romy the Cat |