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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: Just good photography?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/30/2012
 RonyWeissman wrote:
I remember a picture of an enormous living room with large glass windows behind avantgarde trios, bookshelves running floor to ceiling on the sides. ….
I was in that listening room in 2000. At that time the owner did not use it as it was depicted in the picture but the room was very pretty. It is in Connecticut, the wife is doctor the husband is former catholic priest – very interesting people.  The room in my view even though it very lovely but it gig not have the right acoustic features. I also not too conversed but I think that the famous picture with trios sitting in from of huge glass wall with garden (along with a private waterfall) behind was made juts for sake of good phonogrphy and it was not the permanent place for the Trios.

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