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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: The ultimate piece of equipmentPosted by RonyWeissman on: 5/30/2012
This is one of my favorite topics. Not from a technical aspect, but as an ultimate way of life question. I spend an enormous amount of time listening to music, which means my family basically lives in the music room. In our house, however, the music room is one of the smallest pieces!
I remember a picture of an enormous living room with large glass windows behind avantgarde trios, bookshelves running floor to ceiling on the sides. It is on the ostentatious side of my dreams, but still I could live with it!
I can add about 500sq ft onto my house and am always thinking how to build my music room. That won't be an enormous space, but more than workable with my acoustic system.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site