Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio News
In the Thread: High End 2012 in Germany
Post Subject: Silbatone electronics.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/9/2012
The el`Ol’s comments about Cessaro did not find a proper electronics to drive this TAD made me to ask: what electronics Silbatone uses? It never was part of attention of anybody and regardless if Silbatone demonstrate god or bad sound it might be interesting to know what they are trying to do from electronic perspective. It is kind of hard to assess what they do as I do not know what GIP drivers want o have as amplification, so only god knows how Silbatone drive them.
It looks like Silbatone produce own amplification and this site list a few models claiming “designs, parts quality is far beyond most commercially produced amplifiers” and “once-in-a-lifetime amplifier”. Thises statements we kind of never heard before from audio manufacture…. It looks like classic design and classic contemporary Hi-Fi implementation. They have SET and PP amps, have own preamp. The amps with all expected tube and as I understand they choke-loaded driver stage. I wonder if anybody heard them and if anything known about sonic inclinations of the Silbatone electronics. Also, Silbatone as commercial operation (if they do have any commercial traffic, which is not known) is nothing more than the Korean enthusiast who pays the bill and the blabbering idiot Joe Roberts who runs across the web like wounded in ass hyena and drooling saliva about his affiliation with Silbatone. This type of alliance typically is not the setting where electronics is built. Most likely Silbatone outsources design and production of own electronics. I say “outsources” as this amps do not look like they were made in singular version just for own use but they rather are commercial, batch-made amps. So, I wonder who made them for Silbatone…
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