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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Opera Room
Post Subject: Beyond of anything acceptable.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/19/2012
 Serge wrote:
Romy consider that the engineers who did your Altecs in their worst nightmare could not imagine their lovely cinema speakers would be used with solid state amplifier which badly distorts on LOW power levels. It has 100 crappy watts and the first watt is the crappiest.

Sergey, I think that Altec engineers exactly meant their cinema speakers to be used with solid state amplifier and yes, all of the economical A/B amps do badly distort the low power levels. The Altec 19 bass mode do not do well with tube amp and they do need 100 and up of very high current power to drive them. Moreover, I did EQ the signal in my preamp in order to get anything resembling to “an interesting” bass. I think it is not about the topology of am but the quality of the given specific amp. It is so bad that I can’t not even start to describe it. When I turn news radio in my Opera room then I do not recognize the voices of the newscasters. The voices are so distorted and so mudded up that I even sometimes do not clearly understand what they say. It is just horrible horrible amp, I did not even knew that something like this ever exist.  I do not have any bad attitude toward table radio playback but I  this amp is way beyond of anything acceptable.

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