Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: Mahler soundPosted by mats on: 3/11/2012
I am not laughing. Just the other day I had the upper bass a little extra prominent, and midrange was gently tapering off into the highs.
Some would say it was rolled off and flat, but when I played two Mahler 1's and the 9th, I enjoyed him like never before.
Nothing else sounded very good. Bruckner sounded still abrasive, but the Mahler, it had a real horn sound, even the violins sounded like horns at times.
Simon Rattle with the Berlin from a Berlin FM broadcast 2010.08.27 , Symphony No. 1, wow!
I really think the upper bass implementation must be flexible, depending on recording and composer.
Plus 3-5 dB for Mahler, more for Bruckner? Actually it is probably not loudness so much as volume of foundation.
Perhaps we can get back to the Upper Bass thread in a more general sense than Harlanov's no doubt interesting cushion of bass observations.
MatsRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site