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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: BaloonPosted by N-set on: 2/15/2012
 steverino wrote:
This goes back to the discussion a few weeks ago of what these components' power supplies are "expecting" to see. They were built and tested with certain kinds of AC waveforms as input. If you give it something it was never tested with, the design may not optimally deal with it.  Remember my experience with a balun and the VPI SDS.The balun placed between the wall and the SDS messed up the sound almost exactly in the way you describe. The balun placed after the SDS and before the turntable motor produced noticeable improvements in clarity and depth.

I don't know if you've noticed my post, but the baloon story after the synthesiser may have  a very direct explanation.
A step towards testing  my hypothesis it is to try to steal a good spectrum anal-yzer and see
the spectrum of the synthesiser output with and without the baloon. Can you do it?

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