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In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: How to record FM broadcasts.
Post Subject: I’m happy pussy!Posted by Romy the Cat on: 11/19/2005
pregabaline beker
pregabaline beker
redirect OK, now it looks like that I finally finalized my first experimental draft of FM recoding setup. The AD122, outputting the 24/96 stream, into PC’s uncompressed WAV files via Lynx 16 interface. For the time being I decide to use the DA924 as D/A. With all beauty of DA924 I did not fine it comfortable to handle CEC TL0 and I feel that Bidat does better in there. (Although Bidat vs DA924 is VERY big and VERY separate question). Ironically when the DA924 run the “narrow lock” after the AD122 it perfumes very nice, primary, I think because the FM has no UHF information to begin with…
Anyhow, it looks like all is set here and the only thing that I need at this point is a recording software that would accept any OLE or COM or COM+ or .NET interface as I would like to activate recording process by sending email… Alternatively I might tonal it via VPN but full remote automation sounds more desirable.
The programming on December looks very nice and the hard disk space is cheap...
I’m happy pussy!
The Romy
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