Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Rakeshorns
Post Subject: What's in a name? The LV in 'LVFrame' and Russo da Collinsoni's job application letter!Posted by oxric on: 12/7/2011
As with all our ventures in life, the measure of our success is in hindsight what would have I have done differently. Although it is fairly early days for me yet, at the moment, if I went back to the drawing board and had to start again, I would have ended up with exactly the same design. Of course, I would have had the main mast taller so there would be no joint at the end but the problem was my log of timber which could not provide me with the right length of mast and legs, given that it was riddled with old 6 inches long bolts which made the task of salvaging usable lengths of timber incredibly hard. I came that close to calling it quits but then Russ again saved the day!
As some of you may know, I called this frame the LVFrame because of its use of this incredibly hard wood, Lignum Vitae (latin for ‘wood of life’). In addition, you will see that the shape of the frame is actually the result of joining the two ‘L’ formed by the mast and two legs which then spread in the shape of a ‘V’ which is the cradle support for the UB115 horn. See picture below to see what I mean:

Today I realised that actually the name I chose was particularly suitable for another reason I could not have foreseen when I embarked on this project and came up with the acronym months ago. Only last week, I managed to obtain tickets for the sold-out and once in a lifetime exhibition looking at the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci at the National Gallery in London, whilst the polymath genius was under the patronage of the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza (‘Il Moro’). In some of his drawings detailing his preparatory work to his portraits, I am sure I saw sketches very reminiscent of what I and Russ have been been working on for a few months now except that we managed to finish what we set out to accomplish whereas Da Vinci did not complete 90% of the work and projects he started. If I were to write a letter (the translated original letter by Leonardo Da Vinci from latin can be seen here, ) from Russ applying for that fateful position at the ‘Moro’s court in Milan, it would read as follows:
Letter from Russo Da Collinsoni
to the Duke of Milan Applying for a Position
Having, most illustrious lord, seen and considered the experiments of all those who pose as masters in the art of inventing instruments of war, and finding that their inventions differ in no way from those in common use, I am emboldened, without prejudice to anyone, to solicit an appointment of acquainting your Excellency with certain of my secrets.
1. I can construct a frame which is very light, strong and portable, with which to pursue and defeat the enemy; which resists fire or assault, yet is easily removed and placed in position by means of the Levina castor wheels from Germanium. It is made of a combination of the most advanced materials known to mankind, some of which have not yet been discovered.
2. In case of a siege, the mast of the LVFrame can be cut into the shape of pontoons or a series of aluminium or titanium rods can be affixed in strategically positioned and equally spaced holes to make scaling ladders and other similar contrivances.
3. If by reason of the elevation or the strength of its position a place cannot be bombarded, I can add extensions to this LVframe so it is in position to demolish every fortress if its foundations have not been set on stone.
4.With a simple modification, I can also easily transform the UB115 and other horns into cannons which are light and easy of transport, of varyingcaliber, range, mobility, range, rate of fire, angle of fire and fireower and which will cause great terror to the enemy, so that they suffer heavy loss and confusion.
5. I can noiselessly transport my LVFrame using its revolutionary polyurethane tread that isolates it from all enemy vibrations, to any prescribed point subterranean passages either straight or winding, over which my LVframe will silently glide move to achieve its most optimum position to bombard the enemy.
6. I can make armoured wagons which can be carried on the cradle of my LVFrame for carrying artillery, which shall break through the most serried ranks of the enemy, and so open a safe passage for my Low Frequency 18" driver based heavy artillery.
7. If occasion should arise, I can construct guns and mortars and light ordnance in shape both ornamental and useful and different from those in common use.
8. When it is impossible to use cannon I can with some simple modifications transform my LVFrame into a catapult, mangonels, trabocchi, and other instruments of admirable efficiency not in general use to which can be attached some heavy Alnico, Ferrite or Neodynium magnets with which to bambard and confuse the enemy—in short, as the occasion requires I can supply infinite means of attack and defense.
9. And if the fight should take place upon the sea I can attach to the mast of my LVFrame a superb sail that will carry your warship over the seas to seek out and destroy the enemy navy.
10. In time of peace, I believe that I can give you as complete satisfaction as anyone else in the ability to listen to any music that your mood fancies as my horns are capable of reproducing all beautiful music that you care to name at the touch of a button in places public and private.
Moreover, I would undertake the commission of the LVFrame, which shall endure with immortal glory and eternal honour the auspicious memory of your father and of the illustrious house of Sforza.—
And if any of the aforesaid things should seem to anyone impossible or impracticable, I offer myself as ready to make trial of them in your park or in whatever place shall please your Excellency, to whom I commend myself with all possible humility.
Russo Da Collinsoni of Barnsley
As you can tell, I am not slightly proud of this frame and its chosen nomenclature!
Best regards
Rakesh Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site