Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Trust me, I do not worry.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/1/2011
It is not necessarily so. You do not complain about HF harshness due to electricity problem. You complain only about excessive higher frequencies. However, the excessive higher frequencies might come from zillion another reasons, including the topology of your loudspeakers. So, why do you feel that anybody in right mind would advise you to deal with electricity of it is not know if electricity is you problem to deign with? I understand that you apparently do not have experience with influence of electricity to sound, as it you were then you formulate you question very differently. Also, if you were then you would be able to distinct between excessive higher frequencies die to bad electricity and the excessive higher frequencies due to other multiple reasons. So, I did not hear your playback and have no faith in what you identify as problem of you playback. So, naturally I have nether interest or desire to extend any recommendations.

You would be a fool of you pay $5K juts because you read at this site that PP units do HF attenuation. You can attenuate HF by running a layer of toilet paper around your tweeters. Do your home work, educate yourself with what your actual problems are and then, if you want ask intelligent questions, not the bogus one.

The Cat

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site