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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Targeted Audio Listening is like a high-end cooking, or the Dis-Qu check-points.
Post Subject: Symphonic cooking?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 11/28/2011
I was cocking pelmeni this weekend.  Pelmeni is Russian meal, slightly reminding Chinese steam dumplings but boiled with different dough, and much smaller. So it was perhabs 20-30 of those miniature Pelmeni dumplings….

While I was making them (of cause hand-made with my own “signature” meat staffing recipe) it suddenly come to me that we have some kind of inertia of thinking about this type of food. Sure we boil those mini-dumplings and serve let 15-20 in plate. We garnish it vinegar, butter and black paper and we eat them. There is nothing wrong with it. The plate full of those pelmenis is a complete meal and we enjoy the juiceness of the meat in the fine thin dough. However why those 15 mini-dumplings in the pace shall be all the same?

This idea came to me when I begin to visualize each individual mini-dumpling as an individual note. The individual notes have different character. Even if they are the same notes but made by different instruments then they have own harmonics and own characters. Why food that consists from multiple individual identical items could not be organized in expression of taste?

So, I come up with an idea to make symphonic mini-dumplings. Pretend a long and narrow plate that has 15-20 mini-dumplings but they all different and they are arranged the person eat them from let say left to right and taste of those individual mini-dumplings is changing in some kind of predetermined pattern. I need to try something like this another day….

The Cat

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