Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s lowest channel.
Post Subject: "Tuning" the "IB"Posted by Paul S on: 10/26/2011
Well, for one thing you will want to be sure of the location before you cut through your floor, ceiling, and/or roof!

While the basic idea of the IB is to have "separate but equal" loads on both sides of the driver, there are plenty of reasons to work up some sort of compromise, not the least of them being that only a "theoretical" driver is really optimized by a "theoretical" solution, not to mention the reality of available space and its organization for most people.

Looking at the drawing, without reflecting, I immediately thought of the the idea of the "port" effect at LF,  whether the loading and unloading would be "gradual" and "diffuse" enough to avoid port "signature" while also avoiding "soft" BR "losses".  Yes, tunnels might even be used to "bolster" naturally flagging response. But I remain skeptical about the quality of the "contribution" made by any "tunnel".  While it is no secret that I extend this skepticism to horns, there may be less disagreement about the role of a straight-sided tunnel at LF.

It may already have been discussed and sketched out here before, to have the entire LF box run straight down through the floor.  For that matter, there might even be ways to work some sort of "vent" back into the room.  I think someone sent in a picture of something like this a few months ago, in the context of holding another "SOTA" LF Machine up for scrutiny (perhaps looking for purchasing support...)?

Sure, the "ports" here would be "damped"...  Still...

As usual, the True Bitch of LF is that only one's best real-time, real world attempt will tell whether it "works" or not!

Best regards,
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site