Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Opera Room
Post Subject: Wonder machinePosted by Bill on: 10/20/2011
Let's see if I can magically produce a cd-dvd-preamp-remote volume conntrol-equalizer-wifi-d/a-save stations-and cost under $1000. And it will even tune in TV stations, record them, FM and internet files and even do a/d encoding up to 24/192.
 Can't believe you haven't thought of this. How about a PC with a sound card, such as Jul@, which can be single ended or balanced, a tv-fm tuner card  for broadcasts and let those Melquides amps sitting next to your speakers do the amplidication. You even already have the playback and record software and may even have a spare computer sitting around.
You've been over here and listened and watched mine.


Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site