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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s lowest channel.
Post Subject: The compartmentalized bassPosted by Romy the Cat on: 10/12/2011

A few days back a local audio guy come to my place, heard some music and I played and said something that did not expect from his level of audio intelligence. (I wonder if it was the same guy who advised me to write a handbook “How to make friends 101”). He said that one of the most surprising things for him in Macondo Sound is that playback produces looks like a lot of bass but never go overboard.

Over the duration of the last year among the people who visited my room I have 4 individuals who expressed the very same sentiments in the very same words: they were surprised that with amount of bass Macondo is able to care it does not produce too much bass.  I think this requires a bit explanation.

We do judge bass upon I mistakes: the moments when it hits some kind of ugly distortions or too high output volume. If bass across the board too much but if it stays still accurate and even then it looks like we do not experience as much problems. Macondo does not output too much bass, in fact it is flat compare to MF. If some kind of wild things do happen in music then here is where Macondo’s bass accuracy takes control. What does it mean “bass accuracy”?

The bass accuracy is a tricky thing and it is very seldom achievable in the listening room. The “bass accuracy” implies the amplitude flat distribution of bass at the listening location with on relatively slow reverberation time. Most of the playbacks have just “bass”. It means a single channel that traduced LF, the channel in most of the cases is located right where he MF channels are. Since the bass amplitude at sub 150Hz is hugely depended from influence of listening rooms then it is self-explanatory that he bass results in listening rooms are very random. There are zillion ways to different degree to control bass, some of them more and less successful. Let take a look how Macondo deal with it.

Macondo compartmentalize the whole dangers bass on 3 individual channels: upperbass, midbass and ULF. Each channels has own amplification, own filter, own volume and own topological way to interact with the room. Then manipulating by each of the 6 bass individual channels Macondo made the total bass picture in the listening spot loaded but only to the point that “if it was extra ½ db then it would be too much”.  The most important that it is done by very natural means.

Sure one can very save even load across the entire bass by using digital room correction systems. Yes, some women prefer to deal with dildos instead of dealing with men. Still, I do not know any men who prefer to deal with a rubber woman…  The accuracy of bass in my view need to come along with tonal sophistication of bass notes and here is where digital room correction systems slip.

Anyhow, I would like to point out that compartmentalized bass to 3 individual channels give a LOT of advantage. I would like in fact it to be 4 individual bass channels but it will be probably in my next life…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

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