Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Opera Room
Post Subject: About Sound in Video RoomPosted by Romy the Cat on: 9/8/2011
I would like to pass some observations on my about sound quality in my video room. The sound in my video room is what I would call very very good, I am not kidding – really good. It is delivered by Altec 21S speaker driven by Yamaha B2 amp and Yamaha C2 preamp. All cables are the RadioShack crap (they are very bad, do not listen the fools who try to convince in opposite) and the speaker cables are 14ga wire from the same RadioShack. Am I kidding or boolshitting you? No kidding and no boolshitting going on here.
I do not want to lie to you and would like to note that if I use my borrowed DVD player and play audio CD with more or less serious symphonic repertoire then my audio system in my Video Room instantly demonstrates own ugliness. It is not that some specific aspects are wrong but rather the whole sound is so much in unsophisticated scale that it below me even to criticize it. Still, with video material all those problems do not manifest itself and sound is very much not annoying, in fact it is very much enjoyable.
What I am observing is very much confirms what I was saying back in 90s when I had quite sophisticated 5.2 channels audio system for video. At that time I was pitching that audio installation for video room must not be more sophisticated than $500. Yes, I did it while I had over $75K audio system for video. It does not call paradox, it called idiocy. Then I sold all my audio setup for HT and did not touch HT for 14 years. Now I have my Altec 21S that looks like wonderful furniture but that with all honesty in the scale of my audio reference do not deliver better sound then $500 audio system. It is all that I, you, we need for video rooms and trust me they do absolutely wonderful in video rooms.
Video material is intrinsically are horribly recorded and even at my $500 audio playback I feel that it able to deliver much better sound then the souse can offer. I do not blame my DVD player, in fact I think that this borrowed Oppo is MUCH better then I expected and I am planning to try to experiment it in my main audio system as transport and as player. It is not the DVD player’s fault but the extreme primitivism of the played material, would it be DVD or BlueRay.
I do not see any need to more than 2 channels. I know some folks feel that it need to be 5, or more channels but it is not what I feel. I have enough speakers in my house and enough amps to add more channels but I have absolutely no interest or temptations to do it.
I also admit that I am not video room expert. I do have experience and some sophistication with audio installation but I do not have acquired taste with multimedia rooms. What I get is fine to me but I do not mind to learn something. So, what I am willing to do is to invite some local folks that I know who are practicing video room for years and to ask them to point out for me the specific problems with my video sound that they might with their developed experience to recognize. It might be educational and I will post what they criticized.
Romy the CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site