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In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: About the pre-warming of playback
Post Subject: Take the ear into accountPosted by unicon on: 8/26/2011
 Romy the Cat wrote:
 noviygera wrote:
I notice the same warming up effect on my system, takes a few hours. And I thought... could it be the speakers warming up?

I tend to think that it is not speakers but electronics. At the upper MF my speakers has metal cone and currents in voice coils that will not be able to electrocute a grasshopper. I do not think that that it is speaker but no one knows for sure. What kind argument would you bring that would move blame from electronics to speakers?

The Cat

There would be for sure some minor changes in electronic and loudspeaker during playback, which is negligible in most situations.
The most changing factor during the playback is the human ear it will try to adapt to the noise coming into it.
Ear wax and change in ear canal diameter during expose of noise do control and help to hear safe sound ... 

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