Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Altec Model 19 in Boston.
Post Subject: Being my first customer?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/19/2011
 tokyo john wrote:
I just stumbled on this thread, and am thinking about being your first customer.

I am planning to move to New York from Tokyo end of this year - not just escape the nuclear radiation but to let my kids experience a different culture.
Depending on my economic circumstances next year I would love to be able to order my Cetla from you and set it up in a room with a lovely fireplace like yours.

I am no Bill Gates so 50k is a lot of money for me, but as we have discussed before about value in audio, there is nothing out there commercially available  for 50k that looks honest (although I am curious about the Audio Machina Pure System that comes in a proper sealed enclosure), and your aims and goals with the design if achieved are worth 50k it seems to me.

Maybe someone else will ultimately beat me to the Cetla, but your designs for it will hopefully not be wasted either case!
John, I have no customers and I do not trying to get any. I will tell you a secret and please keep it confidential. In audio people do not sell products but satisfactions. I absolutely have no interest to be responsible for anybody satisfaction from audio as I know that satisfaction comes from internal state of mind not from good cables, damp diaphragms or stable sapling clock. So, I do not do any kind of audio trade and my public anointment to sell my rebuild Altec 19 for $50K was made with  no other objectives then to enjoy observing how the white trashes at the Altec forums to go over themselves in hate. There was another point, the educational one, and BTW you did catch it – here is pretty much nothing to buy more or less interestingly sounding for $50K, isn’t ridicules?!

Saying all of it, if at the time when you move to US the Cetla 91 will be completed then you might perhaps visit me, listen it and if you like it then I can give you all know-how and it will be free. BTW, I am pretty sure when as I will be building it I will post all information at my site, the way how I do with all my project, so it will be quite available, including the honest and objective assessment of the final results.

Rgs, the Cat

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