Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: An unexplored way to deal with the sound/music perception
Post Subject: Yes, it’s something about this…Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/30/2011
 zako wrote:
Like my grandmother used to always tell me,,,Smell it first before eating,,It might be shit,,  
I do not know what it was all about but it took for me 60 seconds to lose interest. I watched the video Kunashirsky posted with his introduction of himself.  From start he state that he come from Radar background where the main signal is important and everything else is noise. Then he turns on some kind of records that blast the room and is trying to continue to talk explaining that he is a belly button of universe. The fun part is that the stupid records that he play does not allow hearing what he is trying to say, if he does. If it was self-mocking joke then it was hilarious but unfortunately it was not. I did understand what he was trying to say, as far as I concern it is a kindergarten blubbering. I have to say that there IS in Kunashirsky’s bawl some seeds of effectiveness but in my estimation Kunashirsky himself is too much off to be able to assess the seed’s usefulness and it’s rational.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site