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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: Ceiling fan speed controlsPosted by ghpicard on: 6/1/2011
>About your ceiling fans. I will research this subject. I have a strong feeling that the noose I get from fans when I reduce the rotation speed is due to the >fact the I use the SS dimmers that basically clip the wave. Perhaps the fan motors do not like it. I need to try to run it from VARIAC, but I do not think it >will be practical on the long run. I wonder if exist any wall-mounted not SS dimmers… I very much hope that dimmers are the problem.
Hi Romy,
There are inductive (A.K.A. impedance) fan speed controls. Totally silent and the cheapest of all. Of course they have only 3-4 speed options but guaranteed to make zero electrical noise. If you are using SS dimmers that most certainly will inject and radiate electrical noise all over the place.
But be warned that many fan motors are just mechanically noisy and in that case there is nothing else to do but changing the whole assembly.
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