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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: HVAC the CatPosted by Romy the Cat on: 5/31/2011
Yes, of cause I understand it. The problem is that when I laid down the pipes under the midbass horns there was no larger diameter available then 6” pipes, there was no more clearance under the mouth. So, my listening room has two 6” pipes and they are very long, let say 50 feet. This diameter and this length create very large air impedance. I have relatively powerful 2.5T air conditioner. I requested my air guy to install the remote controlled air routing system that would put the whole force of my air conditioner unit into those pipes. He felt that this air impedance would not allow my air conditioner to drain the full flow and he install a bypass for cold air, otherwise he feel that I will freeze my compressor. So, what I did was opening the ducts to other rooms and drain the air with chokes unit I get proper air flow across the system and through the listening room ducts. Unfortunately I have old unit that does not allow varying power, I heard the new air conditions do…
About the ducts. Do not let me started. I invested a lot of time to research the subject and I do have very good one that do not make any noise and do not restrict the air flow. Beloved me or not but they cost me $180, bronze-made.
I do like your idea of adding an extra duct/vent connected to the primary manifold. I do have this option but I need to find a duct that will dispatch air at VERY sharp angle, high velocity and silent and I would like it to blow from other room to my listening room…. I will be working on this option. BTW, I have absolutely no sound and vibration from the a/c ventilation.
About your ceiling fans. I will research this subject. I have a strong feeling that the noose I get from fans when I reduce the rotation speed is due to the fact the I use the SS dimmers that basically clip the wave. Perhaps the fan motors do not like it. I need to try to run it from VARIAC, but I do not think it will be practical on the long run. I wonder if exist any wall-mounted not SS dimmers… I very much hope that dimmers are the problem.
Anyhow, I am sure there was a progress with air fans for last 20 years. I will be looking into it. The small fans got much quitter for the last 10 years, I do not think that ceiling fans shall be much different.
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site