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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: Listening room during summer.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/30/2011
I am pretty happy with how high temperature handling is happening in my room. Not perfect but still pretty good. As Summer eventually came to New England and my room hit 85 some thoughts become to hatch and pop up in my head. I would like to share some of them.
The last summer I did not use my listening room as listening room. A half of the summer I was fixing the house, another hale I was bulking the midbass horns. So, most of the last summer I spent in pool, while my workers worked in the listening room. This summer is the first one that I use the room as listening room. Since we are taking about summer then we of cause are talking about high temperature.
To be in large room certainly helps but since my equipment produces as much heat as a small Pittsburgh steel mill then it is still a subject. The most important is that temperature over 82 and humidity over 70% then I not only do not want to hear any music I do not want to live. The cathedral ceiling and the multiple open doors do help, in addition I have two big ceiling fans. They work VERY effective but they are not silent. Perhaps I need to find some good contemporary high-end big ceiling fans that work silent at fool speed rotations and what power is decreased. I am sure something like this shall exist. My fans are noisy at half speed but more or less quiet at full speed. The problem is that at full speed they produce so much air-flow that air makes too much noise. I know that contemporary fans can deal with it somehow….
Next is the air conditioner. My house has center air conditioner unit and I spend a lot of efforts during the attic reconstruction to re-route the air pipe and to change the air flow pattern in the house. It goes pays off as it looks when the air conditioner on the listening room is cooled fine and pretty much silently. I would like perhaps to have a bit more air flow but I am afraid to break the silent status. Still, since the center air is too big for the volume that chose to cool I have at another air ducts (as kitchen) the flow too powerful and too noisy. The force of the cool air in there so high that it auditable in listening room. So, I need to find some kind duct that would be silent while passing high air flow – it looks like had to find…
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