Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Playback as an expressive tool: what are your listening objectives?
Post Subject: The Sound of Decadent DelicacyPosted by Romy the Cat on: 5/25/2011
Listening a lot of recordings lately I keep thinking about my Sound. A few weeks back my visitor characterized it as “stressing drama by idiosyncratic use of texture and colors of sounds”. I find it accurate description but not my style of description. People who accustom to me know that I tend to abstract the practice that I have conquest. So, I keep thinking about more accurate definition of my Sound and I think I have found it, in part with the help of Tullio Serafin and Bruckner.
Last week I had an audio visitor why was familiar with Sound of my playback two month ago. Listening it again he said “You converted your playback from great Classical Playback to great Romantic Playback”. That was very accurate description but how about to combine it with further “idiosyncratic use of texture and colors of sounds”. Thinking about it I got it.
Oscar Wilde once said "Classicism is the subordination of the parts to the whole; decadence is the subordination of the whole to the parts." So, the Sound that I am getting out playback in some way is an indigence of Decadent Delicacy, where individual sounds not just shape the whole but like a hologram contain the whole…
Rgs, Romy the CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site