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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Playback as an expressive tool: what are your listening objectives?
Post Subject: Another type of Remote ControlPosted by Romy the Cat on: 5/9/2011

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Just wonderful! I raise my glass to Karl Leonhard!

Back in 1984 I was 16. At that time I was dating a girl who was 27. She was getting her psychology degree and was making some extra cash as a wedding singer during weekends. During one of weddings we hook up and spent a few months around each other. The most memorable trophies of that relationship were some here books that I read at that time. One of the books was the most impressive: it was  “Akzentuierte Personlichkeiten” by Karl Leonhard.  Karl Leonhard was German psychiatrist who specialized in various aspects of psychiatry. I never care about the psychiatry field and I did not care about the diagnostic and classification aspect of the “Akzentuierte Personlichkeiten”. There was however one moment of the book that absolutely fascinated me.

There are normal people, whatever it is. There are people with psychotic illnesses, sort of pathologic cases – the people with illnesses destructive for themselves and for society. And there is a wide spectrum of Akzentuierte Personlichkeiten or translating in English it might be called “Accentuated Personalities”. The Accentuated people are individuals whose perception developed some sort of emphasize or hyper-intensity in one field or another – people who has it are in a “no man lend” between normal people and pathology. I would leave aside the medical aspect of the notion that Leonhard was focused – I have no use or interest in it. The most fascinating part for me was that Leonhard was running across all greatest creative minds of mankind history and clamming that most of their creative action, particularly in artistic field were during the period when they entered the pure state of Akzentuierte perception of reality. This notion absolutely hypnotized me and for many years to come I was fascinated with ability of a mind to enter and exit the Accentuated state, expending and stimulating creative capacity of a person.  It happened historically that I do not do drugs, alcohol of any other stimulators but I know that I am susceptive to the Dostoevsky Syndrome that I described in my post above…

In 1997, after many years of practicing audio I “got” that Accentuated State might be induced by Audio. I remember that as I discover it I was looking at all of my audio surrounding at that time with absolute apathy. I did not know HOW to do it at that time but I felt that there is some kind of mechanism in audio that can manage the force of Accentuation. At that time I was rapidly reevaluating my musical interests and my audio interests. I remember that in summer 2000, when I was very tightly socialized with Vladimir Lamm (and Lamm electronic of that time was very effective tool in my journey), I was asking Vladimir of exist any know to him “remote control” that would allow to moderate the level of engagement of music listening. Vladimir was in his usual state of thinking and suggested that he can’t give it as he was very restricted by the cost of his amplifiers – a typical BS that I hated in Lamm.

In 2002 I had more or less capable playback. I had 4 Lamm’s ML2.0 multi-amping very early version of Macondo. At that time, in 2001-2002 I was in my audio world in transition between listening of others to listening of myself.  I clearly understood that the questions I have in audio reproduction do not have answers or even “publicity” in external world and I need look deeper into my own interests to get satisfaction. At that time there was no Macondo but there was weekly changing ideas and experiments. I was baying drivers and horns, trying to get what I was looking for. What I was looking for not truly Sound but rather an algorithm that would make myself involuntary to temporary enter the state of Accentuationof Perception by experiencing Sound. From pure audio perspective what I did at that time would be insane and had no justification but I did not care too much about sanity but rather about my reasoning. At that time I had developed a number of purely metal exercises performing which stimulate perception and make it oversensitive and very valuable to sonic irritations…

One day something happened and my playback went absolutely wild. It was normal my Sound for that time but as music was playing Sound physically made me focus on itself. It was very interesting as Sound itself was able to navigate my attention.  Regardless the music I was playing (!!!) Sound physically garbed me and forced me to subordinate me to it’s force. It was very feeling I felt very gratifies as audio person, even a bit concern about practical benefit of my accomplishment and it’s implication to my mental state. Surprise, surprise but I lost it in a few days or so. That state of Sound able to in the flesh remote control my listening attention never come back but I had my vindication that whatever I was striving to get is possible by audio means.

How far my playback and its capacity from that state? I would say not too close, even I had now much more interesting and capable Sound. I can write 1000 words describing the specific differences between Sound I have now and then but it will not be useful. For the 10 years that passed I changed, my interests and my objectives changed and it is highly possible that today different mechanism would be able to trigger control of me then it was 10 years back. Russians say that you can’t step in the same river twice, and I am not trying to….

Still, my today state of mind and interests does not removed my attention and concentration on the fact that Audio can and shall remote-induce in a listener that state of Akzentuierte, the state of temporary mental instability that able to open a communication gate with very different  inner-person reflective power.  If I knew what I know now then I would not waste my time with what I did before and in very young age would study how to compose music.  I do compose music now sometimes but I have no idea what to do with it as I am musically illiterate. Well, this boat I guess has sailed, it is what it is and now I am in mid 40s, doing audio...

I do have a hope that sometime and somehow I will hit the Accentuated Remote Control somehow. If do then known what I know now I am sure I will not lose it anymore. I hope that it happen a few days before a stroke or heart attack sends me to cemetery…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

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