Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: AdeptResponse vs. adeptResponsePosted by Romy the Cat on: 4/26/2011
 steverino wrote:
If the units are to be placed between the wall and the PP then I think that would be a safe way to use it. I do not recommend connecting audio equipment directly through them though.

That is kind of puzzling to me. When I spoke with Audience sales director I told him my objective. I told that I have a switching power supply that effect to much the sound of another switching power supply. He told me that he know exactly what I am dealing with as according to him all Audience preamps and power amps have switching power supplies and the adeptResponse works very effectively with them. So, I wondering if the Audience recognize the problem of switching injection to source and if they have their own Auricaps that are effective with the switching then why they do not shunt the front of their own e preamps and power amps with their own Auricaps? From the common sense it is what I would do if I were a maker, would it you? Anyhow, Bill from NH probably let me to hear his adeptResponse. If adeptResponse will be able to deal with PP2000 crosstalk and do not screw up sound then the bigger question would be if two PP2000 with the Audience’s “isolation” would Sound better then a single PP2000. All logic suggests that it shall who know how it turns in reality.

The Cat

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