Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Crossover Design
Post Subject: Re: RE: do not fix until it brokenPosted by dazzdax on: 10/30/2005

naltrexone and naloxone difference

methyl naltrexone vs naloxone
Hi Adrian, why do you choose for Edgarhorns? Edgarhorns are among the ugliest things I've seen in my life (pardon me, being a typical audio moron I don't have any technical background so I can only say things regarding to cosmetics, heheh). Could you tell me what is technically speaking good about those Edgarhorns? Are they made of wood? Is wood a good material for building horns? Why not synthetic materials? Do the Edgarhorns have high quality compression drivers? And the most important thing: do they sound musical (if implemented in the right way)? Does dr. Edgar's company sell fully assembled systems or do you have to assemble them yourself (as a kit for example)?


Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site