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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Bye-Bye, Fane
Post Subject: Rock bottomPosted by oxric on: 4/17/2011
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I found that this overly zealous, stupid and absolutely unnecessary protectionism is very typical in audio and THAT is what I am agaist...

Rakesh, I am sorry but you are even further running out of your mind with your theories. Are you proposing that I express the “barely controlled animosity” toward Fane because I feel bad that others will use their drivers? I do not even know if to laugh or to laugh VERY loud. I told you before that you need to do some degaussing from all of it as it affects you in very odd way. Now, as you voluntary become a part-time Fane pro-bono re-saler it getting worse very rapidly… BTW, I have some manufactures who would like to employ you as your deal with Fane will be over. I do not talk with Lamm but I am sure he will make for you one custom ML3 power amp if you pre-sell 25 pairs of ML3.

The Cat

Romy, you are right, I am guilty as charged. I am secretly on Fane's payroll and am their marketing agent. I am also hoping to work for Lamm and this whole venture is part of my grand strategy to start selling hi-fi equipment for a living. Whilst doing so, I have turned zealous, stupid and unnecessarily protective, and running out of my mind with theories. Why deny it? And the descent from here is as inexorable as it is predictable. When I have reached rock bottom, be sure to let me know as I myself will be so blinded by it all that I will be in no position to tell.

Best regards


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