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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Passive transformer based preamp
Post Subject: Transformers & Transformers....Posted by Thorsten on: 10/28/2005

 Romy the Cat wrote:
T, thanks for educational reply. I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from but unit I try better transformer, presumably your S&B TX-102 I would not be able to correlate your observations with my, perhaps too semi-prejudicial findings.

Note, the 102 is designed strictly as volume control for passive (or if you must active) preamplifiers.

If I get JB to make some more 101HL (a version of the TX-101 designed for higher levels with a view to use as interstage transformer for valve circuits, but STRICTLY for push-pull drive with 0mA DC imbalance!!!, 80% Nickel Permalloy Core, sadly not available to the general public at the moment) I'll ask him to make an extra pair.

I found that "interstage" transformers with significant DC in the core call for too many compromises, which I have been so far unable to overcome using off the shelf items.
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Also, nope, I did not see your new changes in your LCR Phonostage, last time when we spoke about it I remember you began using 7721 in output.

I have kept the 600R arrangement, but I cleaned up the circuit a lot. The new stuff was posted over at the AudioAsylum, not a place you are terribly fond of. If you still have the Phonostage you build it might be worth rolling these changes in....

I think the biggest improvement came from input terminating and DC coupling the RIAA Module. 

Cleaning up the input stage just seemed to get a bit more immediacy and dynamics.

Ciao T 

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