Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: The tapped horns: cons, pros and Sound
Post Subject: A serious Tapped ULF horn in Massachusetts?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/8/2011
It kind of said the Massachusetts is very much not “horny” state and there is not a lot of enthusiasts of horn loading live in Massachusetts or in the entire New England. If we New Englanders have the saturation of horn interest as high as California has then it would be interesting to commission some kind of public study of Tapped ULF horn vs. ULF infinite enclosure. The answer is never was given and I do not think that any serious Sonic tests of Sealed vs. Tapped for ULF application ever was conducted.
I have a few 4X8 Baltic bitch sheets left over from the Midbass project; I have the necessary machines to cut and to glue the wood and a very good size workshop in my basement. I have a facility to test the things. It would be interesting is somebody with composite knowledge about Tapped horns would built one let say 12Hz Tapped horn and then we will have a change to try it out. I have enough stupidity in me to commission 12Hz Tapped horn to a carpenter but I do not have knowledge to navigate this project as I am not familiar with Tapped horns, in fact I am not sure that I understand how they work.
I think if New England had more presence of horn enthusiasts then it would be possible to brew our local know-how…
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site