Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Yamaha B-2 V-FET amplifier.
Post Subject: What to do for now?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/3/2011
Well, one way or another I will fix my B2 amp. I think while I have no bass amp it would be a good idea to try other amps for ULF: powerful tube amps or even class D amps.  I do not have inspiration to dry Class D amps and I have no powerful tube amps, that sucks.  I even though today to finish the Zaratusta II – that would be 200W hybrid in pure class A that will be able to drive absolutely anything (I will have a control over PS voltage, bias and cooling). I just do not want to do the things myself.  It would be so nice-to write to somebody check and then get the things done and working… My specially is to bitch about Sound not to solder capacitors and search for burned out transistors…

The Cat

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