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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Passive transformer based preamp
Post Subject: Further problems with interstage transformers.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 10/27/2005

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 Thorsten wrote:
So, at least in commonly observable and observed terms and when used as intended the S&B line transformers are notably more capable at low frequencies than your LF OPT's in the Super Milq.

I have no doubt but there is something more to it, T. You see an output transformer by cutting LF juts cut LF and nothing else. It dose affect the sound in a room, the “space” qualities, the softness and realistics of the upper bass, the perception of HF and many other things that we attribute to bass. However with bass truncated at output transformer we have juts “no bass” from amplifier.

Nevertheless, if that bass was truncated between the stages then the devastations are way more severe. Those devastations do not affect bass itself (the cut off of the interstage transformer way lower then any output transformer) but the devastations intrude the inner structure of the entire sound and affect sound not horizontally be internally-vertically. I feel that stages, in order to produce the inner-connected sound, should operate in as full range as possible, still they should not be DC coupled….

Romy the Cat

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