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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s lowest channel.
Post Subject: Passing the waves…. as usual....Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/22/2011
In context of my resent observation and my desire to get more softness from my lower bass:
I spoke last night with a friend of mind who pitched me very interesting idea. I told him that although I do have very good low bass but I do register some alien event. I gave him an example of drifting in sea on your back during a nigh and no moon, no stats, no shore signs and no light of any kind. You are laying on you back and you feel no gravity with water of the temperature of your body. The water is still and you are content. Than two single waves come, let say 5 feet tall. One way come under you, lifted you up but sine you have no references of you weight and the position of your body then you do not feel that waves and it pass not registered by your senses. The second wave pass and you feel that what you at the very crest then you got a glimpse of the shore light. I mean that was some other event in your being while you body experienced the waves. The first wave reflects how my midbass horn sound. The second wave reflects how my ULF sound. Again the difference is very minute and I do not think will be notice by the most but I am not a common observer….
When I described the situation to a friend of my last night he advised that it very much might be due to the fact the my SS amp has much faster rise time then my DSETs and therefore the leading edge of my ULF wave is steeper then with the rest of my sound. We contemplated a few ides how it might be address but I come to an observation that I do not want to loops that sharpness of bass attack. Then the friend of mine proposed that it might be about the time alignment, again!
You see my ULF are time aligned with my midbass and the rest of the playback, so what he proposed is to move my ULF towers for a few inched back and forth in order to smear the very leading edge time aliment and by doing it to create a virtual equalization of rise time between my SS amp and Melquiades. I think that idea is very elegant and I very much look forward to try it. You need to understand that we are taking about moving a bass tower that is crossed at 25Hz with 3rd order for a few inches, or perhaps towing it in or out. Under normal circumstance if you move the tower for inch of two you shall not be notice any differents. However since now I know what exactly to listen then it might be very much that the different and the purpose of this experiment does exist. In fact I might predict that I will be able to moderate the ULF softness by doing what is proposed above what I do not know if adding the “softness” to ULF I will make my midbass to lose it’s edge – something that absolutely not willing to compromise.
Anyhow, it will be an interesting experiment. If the smearing the ULF attach will help then, sine I have no 200W DSET amp I might introduce a 1:1 transformer after the SS amp, or use the SS specialist to decrease the amp rise time to equalize what my bass Milq does. If someone heard anybody who experimented with bass SS amps to behave as tube bass amps then let me know. It would be good if the issues I described to be cure by amplification and ULF location. It might be much more painful if it came from my ULF channel itself. I do not think that it is the case but it might…. Will see…
Rsg, Romy the CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site