Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s lowest channel.
Post Subject: About ULF attenuation.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/9/2011
Actually I got interest in the idea of having remote control attenuator on my ULF amplifier, I juts need to find a company who will be able to do it for me.
For whatever reasons audio people feel bass channels have to have an attenuator. This is always was a summit of idiocy in my book as bass channel MUST NOT have attenuator and MUST NOT be adjustable. There is absolutely no need to regulate bass in playback as bass level need to be set once at proper level and never be touched. The bass-shy and bass-exuberant recording shall not lead to modification of bass in playback.
The ULF channel is very different animal, it is not bass. Bass is auditable and modifying bass one modifies everything in Sound of playback. ULF is not auditable in a normal scene. Listening just ULF channel without main speakers you would have no idea not only what is paling but in most cases you would not even recognize that playback is placing. ULF produces hardly usable pressure that is hardly auditable, in fact the list it’s auditable the better ULF. The full benefit of ULF is observed only when ULF plays with the rest of the system, softening the whole sound and creating a few other more exoteric contributions.
In my view the key in successful ULF is the ability unpunishably changes the ULF volume. If you have ULF channel, you change ULF volume and your Sound change then you do not have ULF but you have bass channel. ULF attention shall be very much detached from sound of playback. A well trained listener can hear 1/2dB change in bass. The similar magnitude of SONIC CHANGES in ULF channel would in my estimation represent 6-8dB change.
Furthermore, the change of ULF volume is perfectly permeated as it does not affect sound. From some perspective ULF act as delay channels, setting up the size of the presentation and softness of decays. This parameter might be perfectly modifiable with specific music as it does not modify the sound itself but rather the way in which Sound perceived.
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site