taken from here: http://www.classicaudio.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=98788#p98788
Jeen wrote: | бас- спаренные драйвера GOTO, нагруженные на 45-герцовый рупор (длина 3.6 м) Диапазон - 50 - 200 Гц Среднечастотный рупор (200 - 12000Гц). Динамик Руллита на подмагничивании. Твитер Fostex T-500 AMK-II |
by the chronology of the photos, obviously the first change in the system was
the midrange channel. It seems the guy found some sonic faults in his goto
compression midrange (and his tweeter channel too) and then changed them with a wideband quasi horn loaded driver. At
the moment of this change, the goto supertweeter is still there:
some unknown reasons, he later decided to change it with the sharp and
artificial sounding fostex supertweeter. What might be his motivation? Logically
appears the following question – is that Goto supertweeter so horribly sounding??