As you obviously know, EL34 can be used in triode, and it has been my indirect understanding that its electrical parameters hold, as far as triode configuration makes use of them. I would not use the EL34 if I wanted specific sounds from the output tube, itself, but I do "recommend" it as a potentially "neutral" output tube with electrical advantages that can be electrically relied upon, if that is of use to you. "Sounds poorly" might describe the "sound of the EL-34" where it is made to have a "sound", or perhaps, even, its situational lack of a sound reveals undesirable else. In any case, I believe it can be "neutralized" by sticking to - or at least starting with and tweaking from - its optimum operating points, as listed in the manufacturer's tube manual. And, like I said in the early going, I would sooner stack tubes than stress them. Who knows, you might even re-think the going-in bias against pentode operation in this particular PP application, at least for output. |