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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Opera Room
Post Subject: HT contendersPosted by oxric on: 9/29/2010
 Romy the Cat wrote:
This is a whole point with the screens. I spoke with the guys who practice HT and the gave a whole lot of information about screens p I kind of find it ridicules that they are expensive and I find it not true that they are “difficult to made”. The most likely the screens are expensive because the people who but they have some extra cash and do not question why the pay so much. The folks who know HT told me that the light force of projector must be matched with gain of my screen and if the ratio is off for a few Lux then my roof will collapse. Another ridicules thing in my view is the evenness of the screen – it cost reportedly zillion dollars to make the screen to reflect here and 3 feet away with same density. Sorry, I think it is ridicules BS.  Sure, the screen gain to a degree needs to be related to protector force but I can bet million dollars that the people who too much stress it will not read light density from screen. I know it because I can – the amount of light and color temperature - 30 years of Photography and custom printing career is not wasted, and I know that this is very seldom skills and a normal person would have a huge amount of comfortable light tolerability. Trust me, I sole in my life a huge amount of green, red, yellow, fried and underexposed crappy photographs and I know how easy people might be confused with culture of imagery.

Anyhow, stop bitching, as I understand there are two approaches: get a combination of screen/projector or to get a screen that would do a perfect fit to my room decor and then to look for a projector that will handle the screen.

The room that I am planning to set up the thing is naturally very-very dark, a pure cave. It is not even friendly for being there but it getting much better. I think it will be very good for Opera Room. A guy I know advised me to set up a high power TV antenna in the roof as according to him open air TV quality is very good. I can’t stress how much I do not care about TV in my Opera Room. On TV the only thing that I watch religiously and pretty much continuously are “Jon Stuart’s Show” and “The Golden Girls”. I use to watch Animal Channel but they not show as many Cheetahs and they use to…. So, the TV feed to my Opera Room is out of question. Well, the WGBH sometimes shows some MET and other opera houses performances, some concerts… perhaps it will makes sense to get it but I get it via dish and the sound that WGBH has via the dish is horrible.

The Cat

Hi Romy:

Whilst I fully agree that there is something rather revolting regarding the pricing strategy of Stewart Filmscreens, I must say that although I have seen a number of other companies' products, my standard screen is actually a Stewart Studiotek 130 (i.e 1.3 gain) that I match very successfully with a Sim2 HT500 projector. This combination is to my mind close to perfection and in fact I was so happy with the quality that I recently bought a second Stewart Electrimask screen that masks down to 2.35:1 to use with an anamorphic lens.

BUT GIVEN WHAT YOU SAID ABOVE, I would strongly recommend a a JVC RS1U (or pricier RS2) that is excellent and can nowadays be picked up for considerably less that its $7000 retail a few years ago, or else try the current JVC DLA-HD550 the cheaper option from their new range. I would match it with a good screen from Da-Lite or Vutec and as someone suggested above you can get a pull down version or if room decor is not too much of an issue, buy a fixed one that will of course give you superior picture quality at a lower price.

If you are going fixed, then you may want to consider the Stewart fixed Studiotek with 1.3 gain, at maybe a savings of 50-65% over the price of a motorised version.

By the way, if you would not mind buying outside your local area, I can recommend someone in the US who mainly sells screens and projectors who has always saved me a considerable amount on Stewart's and others' official retail prices.

All the best

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