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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Adding one more spherical to Macondo.
Post Subject: Macondo with wings and wide Fundamentals …Posted by Romy the Cat on: 9/28/2010
Dominik wrote: |
You probably decline this option, because this horn is from plasctic ( You can take carbon horn also). Polish autotech make Iwata 300 for me. You Can order from them what You want. |
Yes, the Iwata horns are good as they have right horizontal vs. vertical proportion for my case but the Iwata profile optimized for HF, something that I do not need. Still I am looking into some kind of derivation of Iwata profile – I need to look into this further. My leading idea is 18-cell horn by in my custom shape…
el`Ol wrote: |
Thanks, el`Ol, the Stereo-Lab do juts fast opening horns – I do not need then for Fundamentals Channel. Also they do spherical horns and I very much would like to stay away from spherical for this given lower MF Channel. Might be I will consider an oval shape - it is hard to do it in mass, however….
jessie.dazzle wrote: |
When you get those cat paws on a 170-180Hz horn, you'll likely try listening to it while letting it cover more than just 600Hz of bandwidth (letting it run up higher than 1000Hz)... There is a possibility that one day you'll decide this is in fact the way you want to use it, in which case you might wish you had gone with a round horn. |
I do not think I will. I will most certainly do not need it to go over 1000Hz, why would I? It is very much not my objective. All the I would like to do it to give to Fundamentals Channel some room from the bottom to breathe as I fill it is a bit too contortionistic now.
jessie.dazzle wrote: |
You do have the space for it, but it would require that you move the Injection Channel up; since it is running at -12dB, this should not upset the perceived height of the image. |
This is not my objective as well. If anything I would love to find a way to move the Injection Channel down, closer to MF and HF channels. I do not how to do it, though…
jessie.dazzle wrote: |
The new, larger round horn could be mounted not under, but on top of the arm currently supporting the 250Hz horn. Running a physically high-mounted 170-180Hz channel up into lower mid-range, one would logically be concerned about upsetting the perceived height of the image; In my experience (I use this configuration), the image does not so much move up, but rather increases in scale and opens up. This, to me is more like what I hear in a concert hall or theater; such a configuration does require a minimum 12-foot listening distance, which appears possible in your case. You could get some idea of the effect by running your high-mounted Injection Channel at -0dB. |
Possible, but this would require moving my Injection Channel up – a big “no-no” in my book. You report that “image does not so much move up” - it is not what I experienced in my old room. What crossover point and type of filter you use for Fundamentals Channel LOW pass filter?
jessie.dazzle wrote: |
To avoid vignetting caused by the new 170-180Hz horn, the Injection Channel enclosure could be inverted so that the driver is at the top. |
I am planning to avoid vignetteing by using non-spherical horns. No matter what it will be the horn high won’t be higher than 17-18”, in fact I would like to keep it 15”-16” at best if possible. If you calculate the surface that is needed to write 170-180Hz horn with 15” then you will have a good near 160 degree horn. For very much LOWER MF…. I see no problem with that. I did not those horns designed but I do not see what it shall not be made. If I knew what driver to use then I would do it. I would love S2/S3 to be able to handle the job as I love their lower knee but they are not good for pushing them too much lower.
jessie.dazzle wrote: |
You'd likely also have to increase the footprint of the chassis to insure stability (extend the base plates by bolting on square section metal tubes). |
Yes, it is in my mind. I think I would need to pick up in some of garage sale a used welding machine – to have my own welding is a long dream of a city boy like I was all my life. Then I will weld in nice wings for Macondo to keep it more stable.The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site