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open Surely one of the objectives of this site is to allow people to be guided towards good sound by discussing the issues involved in getting there. Whether that entails discussing the merits of different recordings or performances or whether it entails discussing the means of getting the best from those recordings I would have thought that it has to involve presenting opinions about different components. You have authored articles on SME tonearms, varieties of vacuum tube, getting the best results from particular drivers etc I don't see that expressing those opinions is so far removed from expressing opinions on Edgars speakers or any other components. It's not really to do with the price or value of anything but it is to do with being inclusive. There is no harm in people aspiring to hear music reproduced as you or I feel it should be. Not everyone has the resources to acquire vintage Vitavox drivers or have custom built, straight, upper bass horns made. For those 'bottom feeders' as you so charmingly describe them, it should still be possible to recommend approaches and equipment that allow a glimpse, a taste or a flavour of what a no compromise system can do. A careful choice of well conceived (possibly home built but not necessarily so) components should get the keen listener closer to the 'Good Sound' ideal than just slinging together whatever rubbish TAS, Stereophile or HiFi News are currently recommending. Of course the installation of such components is difficult but the advice given on this site regarding that will apply just as well.