Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s lowest channel.
Post Subject: Response CurvePosted by Paul S on: 9/20/2010
Three problems with the Scan-Speak are the low X-max, the built-in response curve, and limited power handling. It will be interesting to see how you juggle these issues if you do use these guys for LF. Obviously, if you bias against the natural rising response, then you begin to run up against the excursion and power handling limits. Will all that surface area save the day? I wonder.
Somewhere in the LF pages on this site, someone mentioned and/or gave me a link to a couple of big, contemporary LF drivers that did not look too bad. One looked like another modern re-make of the old 1808 (and I think it was NOT the one you're thinking...), and the other was just a big, nasty LF machine. Both looked acceptable to me.
At some future date, when I begin my own LF project, I hope others will remind me not to even start without the proper test equipment on hand. LF is just too frustrating to deal with by trail and error, "by ear". And while it would be nice to get by without narrow EQ, I have rolled over on this, conceptually, before I even begin.
Best regards,
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site