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In the Forum: Audio News
In the Thread: Living Voice Loudspeaker
Post Subject: The Good, the questionable & the beautifulPosted by jessie.dazzle on: 9/4/2010
What I like:  

The fact that they are doing this.
The upper part of these speakers is truly beautiful, both in composition and in workmanship, which is on the level of fine jewelry. Sonic attributes aside, visually that Pinocchio tweeter horn is really working, as is the use of negative space (also apparent in the logo)... Nice! 
The fact that S2 and AK151 drivers are back in production. 
What I question:
A rectangular mid-range horn... Why?
At what frequency range does the transition from the AK151 to the S2 take place? An S2 can be very successfully run down to 400Hz, but not with such a small horn. Instead, they're likely running the S2 as low as possible, limited by the horn, and running the AK151 up quite high. The AK151 is sitting in an enclosure that relies on a zig-zag path for EQ, which might work for mid-bass, but this combination is likely also being asked to produce quite a lot of mid-range; remember, the AK151 is a 15" driver.

The degree to which the speakers are toed-in, apparent in the photos.
In any case, I'm very pleased to see this project come to fruition, and until I hear otherwise, I'll believe that the Vox Olympain sounds absolutely fantastic. I'd love to hear it.


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