Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The loudspeakers for a powerful SET
Post Subject: Wow! It Actually Works!Posted by Paul S on: 7/30/2010
Too soon to begin in-depth descriptions, but after a good deal more work (and expense...) than I'd bargained for, it did not blow up, and there was not the all-too-usual painful silence in lieu of the first expected sounds. I admit I was as surprised as I was pleased when it started making music, right away; no problems of any kind!
Ironically, after all the changes, it is not so very different at this point. The main benefit now is better integrated upper bass and a good deal more "ease" through the midrange. The Reps is Alnico (versus the Lowther DX4's Neodynium magnet), and so far the Alnico makes for more upward-striving harmonics; nice and comfy, but upwards, like my previous Alnicos. So far, the Reps seems to be slightly "faster" than the DX4, but this might just be a certain clarity the Reps gained when Yoshi cut its whizzer off. I can't say yet.
Ironically, despite the upward stretching (so far...) harmonics, plucked and bowed basses and cellos have more deeply resonant bodies, and left hand piano is richer. Of course, this may have more to do with running the Audax up to 200 Hz (from 100) and using a 1st order filter (instead of 3rd order). Just maybe...
I'm going to let the Reps' notch filter (at ~ 2.3k Hz) settle in before I comment on dropping the ribbon down to 8k Hz. At this point, there are some minuses, but there are also some pluses with the new HF arrangement.
Today, for the first test, I used the ML2s' 8 Ohm taps. I will of course try the 16 Ohm taps again once I establish an aural reference.
Summing: At least as much Music, from less hi-fi.
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site