Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: Knocking the horn.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/26/2010
I spent today couple hours to walk around my fist mouth. It is juts test-jointed with screws, not glue yet and it responses horribly to knocking. We put a few 2x4 brasses and frames. It looks like it will be 8” between the 2x4 and it will become something already. My case it fairly unique as my mouth will be tight to the roof rafters with long screws. Since mouth is more vibrating part of the horn and my moue will be “hard-grounded” it might work very well.

Tomorrow the first section will be glued and then I will see how I might to beef it up. I am sure that I can easily gain weight of the horn. I can dump between the brasses some Gorilla Glue with led shot and it will make it heavy like hell. Still, I would like do not have just weight but some firmness and stiffness. I would like it to be damped but not overly damped. It I interesting: I do have a feeling HOW I would like my horn to response to knocking but it is not a defined feeling but rather an array of feeling.

What I would like is the horn, or better to say a section do not response with the response of the place that was knocked upon but rather to response with the whole section. It means that the mechanisms of solidification of the horn shall not work for immediate defeating the sound but rather spreading sound and gradually decaying it. I have no idea HOW to accomplish it but I do have a feeling HOW a horn shall response when it being knocked upon. Let see what the next few days will bring.

The caT

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site