Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: The voice of God machine and.... insulation-insmalation.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/25/2010
Ok, this all need to be rectified and probably will cost me a visit of insulation specialist. Sucks, I thought that I have an internal consensus about it.
My carpenter consider that Insulation must not apply under the roof but only to the rooms ceiling or the attic floor. According to him the space under the roof much be well ventilated and this servers a lot of benefits for roof protection. The house currently is made exactly like this - there is nothing under the roof but the attic’ floor has a lot of insulation installed. It is very possible that it is not a contemporary ways to do the things – the house is good 30 years old. I just do not know and I think I would need to consult with an insulation specialist.
The problem that I see is that if I need to apply some contemporary, let say foaming, insulation under the roof to keep my horn in sort of room temperature then I would need to do it with whole attic. I am not sure I would welcome an idea to convert attic to another livable space – I am sure this is where the insulation specialist would drive the project into. I have nothing important in attic besides the equipment boxes and I would like to keep it this way. So, I might eventually choose to use insulation only in the back chamber of my horns, not on the whole attic. I am sure it will huge be price and amount efforts difference. My rational is that the back chamber will be made with 2.5” plywood. This is a lot of thinness and my birch is marine-rated. I might just for a hell of it to apply some kind of high-end deck sealer to the outside of the back chambers to assure that it would be moisture immune. I will have 5-6” between the chamber and I might wrap a few layers of some kind contemporary thermo insulation.
I do not know now. I do not think that a driver in back chamber would have the same thermo-demands as my in my bedroom. Still, I would like do not find that my magnet dot demagnetized because of temperature deviation or that my back chamber is rotten away from horn. So, a consultation with some kind isolation professional is in order. Another “confident” guy will be walking in my house and asking me: “What in God name are you trying to build here?” Lately I reply to them: “The voice of God machine….”
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