Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: Two open questions.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/25/2010
This weekend I am starting to draw the sketch and the preliminary building plan for my midbass horns. I initially thought to recruit somebody who have done it to help me with plan but after consulting with a few people I feel confident that I have all necessary skills and knowledge to do the job myself. I will be posting all information at my site, whoever feel to comment or to criticize it as I go along, please do so.
The whole project is more or less clear in my mind but there are two questions with which I am not settled.
1) Where to buy inexpensive birch plywood? There are American, Canadian, Russian and Chinese birch plywood. I would like to go with Russian – much better quality, but it got pricy nowadays. I would like to pay for ¾ sheets of 4 by 8 no more than $40-$45 in case of mass buy. If any of you know in your jurisdictions a sores to get cheap Baltic birch then let me know – I might arrange shipping. Still, I would like to get the plywood in New England and to pick up it locally
2) The throat transition piece – I do not have a clear image how to do it. The throat will be 7” circle, then it will be a circular pipe of very low opening rate (like all hyperbolic it almost parallel in the beginning), then it will be gradual transition to triangular shape. The whole transition will take no more than a foot long and I see a very clear how it will be. What I do not know is how to make it: material, construction techniques, way to join it with the rest of the horn, etc etc etc… My leading idea to make it from concrete and while the cement did not solidify yet to place some stands in the concrete. How to mold the complex transition piece I do not know yet. I can draw it but I do not know how to make it. I will entertain any suggestions.
Rgs, Romy the Cat
PS: Anybody can advise good and free software to use for building plans?Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site